
Monday, January 19, 2015

Barriers Into Bridges

The Rev. David Foray crosses a bridge into Moyollo, Sierra Leone, to help provide education and relief in the fight against Ebola. Foray is superintendent of the Moyamba District of The United Methodist Church in Sierra Leone. Photo by Phileas Jusu, UMNS.
The diversity addressed by Paul in Galatians 3:28 encompasses every aspect of our humanity.  Our differences are meant to unite us, not divide us.  All cultural, social, and gender related issues should be seen as opportunities for us to support, encourage, and learn from each other, especially in matters of faith and ministry. Those areas where we are most unlike each other, even at points of strongest disagreement, are particularly well suited for mutual understanding and growth.  None should be treated as excuses to undermine the rights, privileges, or ministries of others. Christian faith challenges us to be intentional about transforming every barrier into a bridge.