“[People] loved darkness
rather than light.” This phrase from
John 3:19 has been on my mind this week in relation to current events. There
are other Bible passages about the choices people make when presented with
clear and distinctly different options. The crowds in Jerusalem intentionally
and knowingly chose Barabbas for release and Jesus for crucifixion. They chose
darkness, intentionally and deliberately. How do we reconcile current events
with the Bible, and more importantly, with God and with each other when our
beliefs and choices are so vastly different and in diametric opposition?
We reconcile current events with the Bible insofar as we implement the teachings of Jesus in our personal lives and apply them to how we respond to the events going on around us. Current events are what they are, and we have little if any direct control over what other people do or the decisions they make, even about things that may directly impact on our lives. We do have control over at least most of what we think, say, and do. We control how we respond to circumstances we find ourselves in, whether of our own making or because of what other people have done.
We have our gifts and graces to offer. We have our kindness and love to share. We have the power to resist evil and injustice and to embrace goodness and fairness. Christ will multiply and scale up whatever mercies we are able to extend in even the smallest of ways. So, let’s put in our two-cents worth, shall we?
Complete Sermon with Bibliography and Notes:
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Giving Grapes to a Soldier.” PickPik.
www.pickpik.com/child-soldier-gift-giving-grapes-fruit-140462/ 9 Nov 2024. Photograph.